Out Vision Statement
To Be a Leading Brand by Setting Standards in the innovation of Blending, measuring & Handling of Gases, thus enabling the technologies of Clean & Safer Environment.
CSL is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with over
16 years of experience in calibration gases, pure gases, speciality gases,
gas handling equipments, gas chromatographs and
analyzer. Founded in 1992 by
Dr. O. P. Srivastava & B.A.R.C.
Scientist to manufacture calibration gas standards which was non
existant in india. Today we stand as number one suppliers of gas standards
in india from calibration gas standards as the base product we have
diversified in to pure gases i.e speciality gases and then to gas handling
systems and then to
gas analayzers and gas chromatographs. Today we
have close to 20 products covering end to end solution to the customers.
We have been doing research on
ethylene based
ripening system. We
have decades of experience in
ethylene based
ripening system.
A customer from gujrat who was puping mangos for its export unit called us
and asked us to develop ethylene based ripening system which he had seen
overseas. Since then he is ripening 40 tons for past 5 years. After learning
the effects of
solution we did major research in developing automated
systems using
ethylene ripening gas
cylinders. In 2005, we have fabricated three,400 ltr chambers in which we
have done research on effects of ethylene,carbondioxide, oxygen and humidity
effects on banana, mangos, papayas, lemon, oranges and close to twenty
various fruits.
We are still optimising the gas concentration and its effect on ripening.
Eg. The exact quantum of ethylene required for triggering ripening. By doing
this we are trying to reduce the cost per ton borne by the customer. We have
achieved lowest cost of upto Rs. 40 / ton which is close to 4 paise per kg (
eg for banana the cost is 0.5 paise per banana). The effect of carbondioxide
has also been optimised and we monitor the levels and control through
ventilation fans and scrubber of
systems to effect repetitive quantity on every batch. To date with our
systems every batch coming out has same quality which has benifited our
customers and hence has enhanced their market reputation.